12. He studies in the bedroom. The negative form is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kiranaarsysyafira pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

12. He studies in the bedroom. The negative form is ....a. He isn't study in the bedroom
b. He doesn't studies in the bedroom
c. He don't study in the bedroom
d. He doesn't study in the bedroom

13. Raka usually watches television in the living room. The interrogative form is ....
a. Does Raka usually watch television in the living room?
b. Is Raka usually watch television in the living room?
C. Do Raka usually watch television in the living room?
d. Does Raka usually watches television in the living room?

14. Translate into English. "Shinta selalu makan malam di ruang makan."
a. Shinta always has dinner in the kitchen
b. Shinta always have dinner in the dining room
c. Shinta always has dinner in the dining room
d. Shinta always have dinner in the living room.

tolong di jawab ya ana kasi 7 poin

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

12. b. He doesn't studies in the bedroom.

13. d. Does Raka usually watches television in the living room?

14. b. Shinta always have dinner in the dining room.

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Last Update: Wed, 29 Dec 21