Complete the sentences in Present Perfect Simple. 26. We..............our goal.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dinakhusnul2019 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the sentences in Present Perfect Simple. 26. We..............our goal. (reach) 27. Our team.............. the match. (loss) 28. She ... the word. (underline) 29. They the treasure. (not discover) 30. Ron ....... about the problem. (not talk) Complete the sentences in Present Perfect Simple (negative). 31. Sarah........... the dishes. (not wash) 32. Anita. .. the kitchen. (not clean) 33. Maureen and Gavin.............. the plants. (not water) 34. Joey .............his bed. (not make) 35. David..............milk. (not buy) Complete the questions in Present Perfect Simple. 36. you............ at the door? (knock) the teacher..............the tests?(mark) .....a new computer?(buy) the girl?(rescue) 37... 38.............. she 39 they​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


26. Have reached

27. Has losed

28. Has Underlined

29. havent discovered

30. hasn't talked

31. Hasn't washed

32. hasn't cleaned

33. haven't cleaned

34 hasn't maked

35. hasn't bought

36. haven't knocked

37. havent marked

38.hasn't bought

39 haven't rescued

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Last Update: Thu, 23 Mar 23