A. Subject Verb Agreement 1. Lisa ___ my cousin. 2. The students ___ play football

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari akbarrido643 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. Subject Verb Agreement1. Lisa ___ my cousin.
2. The students ___ play football on Saturdays evening
3. We ___ not come to Anne’s birthday party last week.
4. Moslem ___ celebrate Idul Fitri next month
5. He ___ in his bedroom just now.

B. Has, Have, Had
1. Mother ____ prepared some snacks for our breakfasting.
2. ___ you done your assignment?
3. She ____ celebrated her birthday party last week.
4. Father ___ not arrived from his office yet.
5. They ____ already finished their school project.

C. Tense with Time Expressions
1. I ___ (watch) TV last night.
2. We ___ (study) English every Thursday.
3. Will she ___ (join) us to do our project next month?
4. Father has already ___________ (clean) his dirty car.
5. We are ____ (do) our exercises now.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

A. Subject Verb Agreement

1. Lisa is my cousin.

2. The students play football on Saturdays evening

3. We did not come to Anne’s birthday party last week.

4. Moslem will celebrate Idul Fitri next month

5. He is in his bedroom just now.

B. Has, Have, Had

1. Mother has prepared some snacks for our breakfasting.

2. Have you done your assignment?

3. She has celebrated her birthday party last week.

4. Father has not arrived from his office yet.

5. They have already finished their school project.

C. Tense with Time Expressions

1. I watched TV last night.

2. We study English every Thursday.

3. Will she join us to do our project next month?

4. Father has already cleaned his dirty car.

5. We are doing our exercises now.

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Last Update: Sun, 24 Jul 22