PILIHAN GANDA BIASA Choose one correct answer. Read the following

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PILIHAN GANDA BIASA Choose one correct answer. Read the following text for questions no. 1-4 Have you heard the word 'phubbing'? Based on online dictionaries, it means the act ignoring someone talking by looking at a mobile phone. This act has become part of o everyday lives. Phubbing seems harmless and has become a part of modern life. However, reseache have found that it may hurt your relationships because it disrupts your immediate contac Phubbing makes face-to-face interactions less meaningful. Phubbing downgrades your reputation. People see phone users as less polite ar attentive. They are also considered to be poor conversationalists. Phubbing may be a sign problematic technology use. Many experts consider a device habit worrisome when it begins disturb everyday life. Feeling the urge to text or scroll through the phone during face-to-fa conversations possibly exemplifies this. 1. In which paragraph can we find the definition of the word 'Phubbing'? A. First. B. Second. C. Third. D. Fourth. 2. Which of the following is an effect of phubbing? A. Giving more evidence. B. Having a great conversation. C. Disturbing a relationship. D. Attracting someone's attention. 3. What might people think about us if we use our phones too much? A. Workaholic. B. Impolite. C. Smart. D. Fun. 4. 'Many experts consider a device habit worrisome The underlined word is closest in meaning to .... A. chiefs B. doctors C. scientists D. specialists '(paragraph 4) 5. Observe the following jumbled words and rearrange them to be a good sentence. eagle defeated on competition by the The flying was sparrow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A. 7-1-2-3-4-5-6-9-8-10 B. 7-1-9-2-5-6-10-3-8-4 C. 7-1-9-5-2-6-3-8-10-4 D. 7-1-9-2-3-8-10-5-6-4 9 10​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. In which paragraph can we find the definition of the word 'Phubbing'? A. First.

2. Which of the following is an effect of phubbing? C. Disturbing a relationship.

3. What might people think about us if we use our phones too much? B. Impolite.

4. 'Many experts consider a device habit worrisome The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....

C. scientists

5. Observe the following jumbled words and rearrange them to be a good sentence. eagle defeated on competition by the The flying was sparrow A. 7-1-2-3-4-5-6-9-8-10


Phubbingadalahtindakan mengabaikan seseorang berbicara dengan melihat ponsel. Kegiatan ini memiliki dampak negatif karena orang lain merasa tidak dihargai.

Phubbing juga dapat merusak hubungan dengan sesama manusia.

Sebaiknya ketika kita berbicara dengan orang lain jangan bermain dengan handphone.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Phubbing www.yomemimo.com/tugas/39491617


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Last Update: Wed, 02 Aug 23