Find the subject, Type of verbs, and Preposition Phrase, and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari elsaputrialya pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Find the subject, Type of verbs, and Preposition Phrase, and Type of sentence from the following sentences:a. The government of Indonesia has decided to collaborate with Chinese government in improving the train system in Indonesia.

b. Every manager in that company is assigned to achieve the sales target

c. Economy of the world is predicted to downfall because of war between Russia and Ukraine

d. We always deliver our packages punctually in this month.

e. Prime Minister of India declared a war on Pakistan.

fMy parents always give me permission to hang out with my friends

The CNN Indonesia has covered the news about cyberbullying for a year

h. Oscar is a prestigious award about selecting the best film and talents in movie industry

1The CEO of this company who always comes on time to the office had an accident yesterday.

J. This building is new and modern

Tolong jawabanya yaa

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

a. Subject: The government of Indonesia; Type of verb: has decided; Preposition Phrase: with Chinese government; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

b. Subject: Every manager in that company; Type of verb: is assigned; Preposition Phrase: to achieve the sales target; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

c. Subject: Economy of the world; Type of verb: is predicted; Preposition Phrase: because of war between Russia and Ukraine; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

d. Subject: We; Type of verb: deliver; Preposition Phrase: punctually in this month; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

e. Subject: Prime Minister of India; Type of verb: declared; Preposition Phrase: a war on Pakistan; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

f. Subject: My parents; Type of verb: always give; Preposition Phrase: me permission to hang out with my friends; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

g. Subject: The CNN Indonesia; Type of verb: has covered; Preposition Phrase: about cyberbullying for a year; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

h. Subject: Oscar; Type of verb: is; Preposition Phrase: about selecting the best film and talents in movie industry; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

i. Subject: The CEO of this company who always comes on time to the office; Type of verb: had; Preposition Phrase: an accident yesterday; Type of sentence: Complex sentence.

j. Subject: This building; Type of verb: is; Preposition Phrase: new and modern; Type of sentence: Simple sentence.

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Last Update: Tue, 11 Jul 23